- Understand 3D formulas between worksheets,
- Clean up data using advanced filter,
- Create a pivot table and change the value field settings,
- Create a pivot chart to visually show the stats,
- Using advanced functions like CHOOSE, VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, MATCH and INDEX,
- Look at advanced functions within functions (Nested Functions) and
- How to protect the worksheet and workbooks.
Case Studies included in this workbook:
Microsoft Excel Online Training Course Case Study 308-1: As part of our Advanced Microsoft Excel Online Training Course, we feature an additional micro course which comes to you by way of an Ad Hoc Payroll case study. This case study is part of our advanced Excel course and comes at no extra course.
Microsoft Excel Online Training Course Case Study 308-2: When we operated our physical training centres in Sydney we taught a lot of seniors, mums returning to work and employees who needed to improve their Microsoft Office Skills AND MYOB Bookkeeping Software skills. We used PivotTables and PivotCharts to design quarterly course schedules to allocate rooms, trainers, training course resources AND refreshments like Coffee, TimTams and cool drinks. Read more..