Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the global leading office admin software for written material (Microsoft Word), Spreadsheets, graphs and calculations (Microsoft Excel), graphics and presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint) and communications and scheduling (Microsoft Outlook).

Below you’ll see our Office Admin training course resources to help you learn new skills and increase your computer confidence.

All office admin courses include:

Premium Courses (which includes all training resources and a Certificate on successful completion)
Downloadable and Printable Training Workbooks with step-by-step practical exercises
Exercise files used as examples of what is included in the training materials
Instructor screen sharing video explanations and demonstrations on how to perform all tasks in the courses

Compare the Microsoft Office Course Options

Micro Courses (each about 4 hours)
Skill-Level based training course packages (Beginners, Intermediate or Advanced), or the
COMPLETE training course packages which includes all skill levels for a particular software program.

Course Enquiry

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Want training and 12 months of support?
Enrol into the Office Academy COMPLETE Training Course Bundle on the $20 per week payment plan.
This Microsoft Office Training Course Bundle includes EVERYTHING!
Want to sample our training materials? Get your FREE Microsoft Office Training Samples NOW

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