Explore the dashboards
- sales
- purchases
- banking
- contacts
- payroll
- reports
Chart of accounts
- Explore existing accounts list
- edit chart of accounts for your business
- Modify trading terms
Sales dashboard
- inventory items
- create an inventory item
- enter selling details
- create customer contacts
- creating customer quotes
- entering a sales invoice
- applying a payment
- create an invoice from a quote
Customer Credit Notes
- process a credit note
- apply a credit note to an invoice
- customer returns
Receive Customer Payments
- receive a part payment
- receive one payment for many invoices
- process an over payment
Accounts Receivable
- who owes you money
- sales reconciliation report
- accounts receivable analysis screen
- sales summary by customer
Purchases Dashboard
- create a supplier bill
- supplier contacts
- supplier ABN’s
- pay a suppliers bill
Banking dashboard
- spend money transactions
- accounts code allocation
- GST and FRE journal codes
- expense tracking
- transaction history