Cloud Accounting software is often the central software used by businesses every day to perform financial aspects of the business and Xero in particular made a concerted effort to promote the many integrations that their clients could use.
Expense Tracking & Receipt Scanning
Data Entry is one of the most time consuming tasks for junior level bookkeepers and it is the cause of:
- errors and omissions if performed late or not at all by small business owners.
- low productivity because it take a lot of time
- lack of evidence to substantiate business expense receipts
Most catch up work is based on data entry for past transactions and then matching those transactions to a category in the Chart of Accounts.
Hubdoc (owned by Xero)
Hubdoc is a Canadian company that competed against Receipt Bank (now Dext) and AutoEntry in the receipt scanning and transaction coding market. Xero has included fundamental Hubdoc features in their Xero Accounting software.
MYOB In tray
Unlike Xero, MYOB have written the functionality to scan receipts and keep them as part of your accounting file within their software, just like the good old days.
Dext (ReceiptBank)
Dext is one of the most established software providers for receipt scanning, storage and data retrieval. In our consultation with bookkeepers and BAS agents as well as our support team this software appears to be the easiest to use and is the most accurate of the software available.
Included for FREE with these
This course is now available with
- MYOB AccountRight COMPLETE
- MYOB Business (Essentials) COMPLETE, and
- QuickBooks Online COMPLETE
Looking for Combination Courses where you can learn MYOB, Xero and QuickBooks?
Find them here as part of our Bookkeeping Academy.
Part of our ADP micro courses in QuickBooks, MYOB and Xero
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